What is Bioenergetic Tuning?

Bioenergetic Tuning is based on the premise that the energy field that surrounds and permeates our bodies is inextricably connected with our conscious and subconscious mind, including all of our memories. All physical, mental and emotional disorders can be perceived as “dissonance” in our energy fields. Bioenergetic Tuning is able to diminish and resolve this dissonance and in doing so, alleviate and even eradicate the corresponding physical, mental and/or emotional symptoms.

Bioenergetic Tuning is focused on the energetic flow through living systems and the way our bodies hold and utilise the energy that populates our internal and external environments. Cellular respiration, enzymatic and metabolic processes in the body all resonate at certain frequencies. These frequencies can strengthen or weaken vitality, so by “tuning” these frequencies, energy is transformed to provide what the systems of the body requires more efficiently.

Research has shown that all of our life experiences appear to be stored magnetically in standing waves within our energetic fields. This bio-energy – or life energy – becomes compartmentalised, with the record of different emotional experiences being stored in different locations within the field. Additionally, it is timelined, encompassing information relating to gestation, birth and earliest childhood all the way to recent and current events and experiences. 

Bioenergetic Tuning sessions can be experienced in person or at a distance, offering increased flexibility and access during travel restrictions.

During a Bioenergetic Tuning session, a client lies fully clothed on a treatment table while the practitioner activates a tuning fork and scans the body slowly. The practitioner is feeling for resistance and turbulence in the client’s energy field, as well as listening for a change in the overtones and undertones of the tuning fork. When the practitioner encounters a turbulent area they then work to neutralise dissonant tones and encourage specific frequency resonance. Our bodies use the steady coherent vibrational frequencies of the tuning forks to restructure the energy field. In this more balance state, natural healing mechanisms are activated, pain reduces and bioenergetic flow improves.

Holding an activated tuning fork in the area of an energy blockage or discordance, restores harmony at many levels. The sound input supports the body to digest and integrate unprocessed experiences. As the bioenergetic dissonance subsides, clients generally report feeling “lighter” and a diminishment or resolution of their symptoms.

Different emotions produce different frequency signatures. These are reflected in the overtones (or harmonics) of the vibrating fork. Emotions, such as fear, guilt, grief, and anger, all have their own unique signatures and their own unique effects within the body and mind. This is a process of working with what has been hidden in plain view and assists people in making changes they otherwise could not on their own.

By incorporating principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurvedic understandings about the way energy travels bioenergetically, circulation and bone conductivity improve and increase electron potential. Electrons are intrinsic to all life so when imbalances in the bioelectric fields are present, restoring a healthy balance leads to wholistic benefits. Many people find these sessions deeply relaxing and describe them as “recharging low batteries” which is a great way to conceptualise what is being achieved.

Activating the parasympathetic nervous system helps calm and settle overloaded sympathetic nervous system activation. Stagnant energy is moved and then tuned to healthy vibrational states. This in turn develops and attracts healthier vibrational states in everyday life, be they emotional, cognitive or cellular, increasing vitality and creating a more embodied sense of clarity.

Bioenergetic Tuning is a very effective way to increase Somatic Capacity leading to better stress management, more restful sleep and increased overall wellbeing.

Every session is tailored to the individual producing effects that are both relaxing and restorative.

An electrical network made of energy is present within and around the human body

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+61 481 567 955